Google is the most important company to the Internet. Hyberbole? I think not! Without Google, the Internet that we all know and love would be a very different place, as would the business of IT. Along with Microsoft and the supporting community around LAMP, Google is the very foundation of modern computing. But the foundation of Google itself, its ability to rank Internet content and present relevant information to its users, is at risk. What will they do to fix it?
iPhone 3.0 Exchange ActiveSync: Better But Not Perfect
As the release of iPhone OS 3.0 nears, I set out to discover how the new OS changes the iPhone’s ability to synchronize data with Microsoft Exchange servers using ActiveSync. What follows here is my deductions so far, and is of course subject to change when the new OS is released!
Ten-Year Trend: Mobility
What is the megatrend of this decade? I suggest that we are witnessing a wholesale shift from information tied to place/device to information mobility. Cloud computing, server virtualization, and even flash memory are all contributors to this massive trend, along with the user-side trends of the post-PDA mobile phone, 3G data, social web services, and connected home.
Can the iPhone Sync With Multiple Exchange Servers?
One of the major advances introduced in iPhone software version 2.0 was the ability to sync over-the-air to Microsoft Exchange servers using Microsoft’s ActiveSync protocol. This was introduced to much fanfare with the iPhone 3G and is available on older updated iPhone and iPod Touch units, too. Google and NuevaSync also offer over-the-air calendar and […]
Measuring the Importance of Google’s First Page
I’m not blogging to get traffic; I’m blogging because I have something to say. But, being a curious person, I do measure my blog traffic, and I’ve become interested in how the search engine optimization gurus ply their trade. So a recent tip on using a custom Google Analytics filter to determine “front page” placement on that search engine piqued my curiosity.