I worked primarily from home for over a decade, and though I now have an office with a few employees, many of the challenges remain the same. Key among these is power, or lack thereof, and the havoc it can wreak. I recently set about upgrading from my old consumer UPS approach to a real always-on power solution for the home, and thought my blog readers would like to follow along!
Monitor Air Traffic With a Software-Defined Radio and a Raspberry Pi
If you’re a real hacker, you’re interested in all sorts of tech, from computers and the internet to radio to airplanes. The intersection of all of these interests is ADS-B, the protocol used by aircraft to share data like position and speed. Widespread availability of cheap software-defined radio (SDR) receivers and cheap computers like the Raspberry Pi makes it easy for anyone to join a global network sharing ADS-B data. Read on to learn how to build your own ADS-B receiver for under $100 and get involved!
How to Disable Ads on Your YouTube Channel (Mostly)
YouTube is essentially the only game in town when it comes to Internet video, with a critical mass of viewers and tight integration with Google search. Back in 2020, Google enabled ads on all YouTube videos, even for publishers who had previously opted out. It is possible to disable ads in videos on your channel, but there are some serious limits. This post explains how to disable ads on your YouTube videos.
How To Auto-Post to Mastodon Using Zapier
With the current turmoil at Twitter, many people are turning to the federated social media network built around Mastodon as their new social outlet. Once I started posting there, a few old friends asked me to share my #SymLink, #PackRat, and #GoodRead links on Mastodon, since they enjoyed reading the contents. Since my posting process is entirely automated using Zapier, I automated posting to Mastodon using it as well. Here’s an easy way to add automatic posting to Mastodon using Zapier!
How To Install ZeroTier on TrueNAS 12
ZeroTier is an incredibly useful tool to enable true access from anywhere to any networked resource. Although TrueNAS has removed ZeroTier support, the FreeBSD package is easy to install and seems to work fine! The only issue is that it doesn’t persist across reboots without some major risky work.