Apple introduced their “magical” iPad today, demonstrating impressive updates to iWork but focusing on home and consumer applications. The company never mentioned business applications beyond Keynote presentations, leaving a question as to whether they support Exchange ActiveSync like the iPhone family.
The mystery deepens on the Apple.com specs pages. Although they claim that “iPad will work with all the popular email providers, including MobileMe, Yahoo! Mail, Gmail, Hotmail, and AOL,” Exchange ActiveSync is notably missing. Remember that this was a major feature demonstrated and called out on the iPhone pages. Its absence here is conspicuous.
Update: Apple updated the description when announcing pre-orders and Microsoft Exchange support is now officially included!
Any news on ipad & exchange activesync ?don’t want to buy one until it supports exchange
Without Exchange support it falls back to a consumer product “only”. Most businesses works with Exhange, so it is an essential piece of information positioning the iPad as THE easy and only access path to all your daily information.
Useless piece of hardware without Echange!
Nice, but appointments entered via the IPad does not sync with microsoft exchange .. Does anybody has a fix for this.