Prognostication is a perilous business, but pundits are drawn to the topic in the month of December. The fact that most predictions fall on their faces demonstrates the intoxicating mix of hope, dreams, and irrationality that mark both geniuses and fools. I am neither, so I like to make predictions after the fact! But this year I’ve been asked to look to the future, so I’ll stick with the safe road and pick current trends rather than guessing what I hope will come.
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How To Write To Windows NTFS Drives In Mac OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard”
One of the daily hassles of using Apple Macintosh computers is the incompatibilities that arise with the broad Microsoft Windows world. Individual files often require conversion, but what about whole disks? Apple has long supported the universal and simplistic FAT filesystem, and added read-only support for NTFS back in 2003 in OS X 10.3 “Panther”. Third-party software like Paragon’s NTFS or the free NTFS-3G driver enabled read/write support, but a native solution was more desirable. Although 10.6 “Snow Leopard” includes NTFS write support, it is disabled by default. In this post, I’ll discuss methods for activating this native NTFS write support, as well as the pros and cons of doing so!
Do Not Buy Weird, Cheap, Off-Brand Android Tablets!
I’ve already said it a few times, but let’s just make it absolutely clear: Do not buy weird, cheap, off-brand Android tablets! Until a real iPad competitor comes along, it makes little sense to spend money on any Android tablet, and zero sense to buy a cheap, junky one from Walgreens, eBay, or anywhere else. Especially if you plan to give it away as a gift!
What To Look For In A Laptop (Holiday 2010 Edition)
Lots of folks are shopping for new laptop computers right now (me included), so I thought I would put down a few words on what I consider to be the key elements separating a great buy from a mistake. This is only my own opinion, of course, and my Apple- and storage-geek status might taint the results. But what can you do? It’s my blog after all!
Are Hybrid Hard Drives A Good Alternative To An SSD?
How well does the Momentus XT perform in a Mac laptop? Focusing on lower cost and greater benefit without getting taken in by the coolness of SSDs or hybrid drives, let’s weigh the merits.