The Apple Thunderbolt Ethernet Adapter really is a full PCI express device, complete with its own Ethernet controller! This is easily the smallest and cheapest Thunderbolt peripheral to date, and suggests a bright future for similar devices in the future.
Hands-On Review: Unicomp Spacesaver M Keyboard for Mac
I would not hesitate to recommend the Unicomp Spacesaver M to Macintosh users used to an original IBM Model M, and I am admittedly a tough customer. I wish that Unicomp would update their website, packaging, logo, and keyboard graphics, but none of this really matters as your fingers press the keys. If any keyboard is worth $100, it is the Unicomp Spacesaver M!
Building Virtual Infrastructure Seminar in London
This week, I returned to the Europe, and I’m glad to be back! I spent the weekend in Belgium visiting friends, but now I’m back in London for my next Building Virtual Infrastructure seminar. If you’d like to learn more about next-generation servers, networks, and storage I urge you to attend this event, whether in London or my future dates!
Ten Terrible Apple Products
I’m often accused of being an Apple fanboy. While it’s true that I love my vast selection of fruity products from Cupertino, I’m not blind when the company makes mistakes. In fact, I think Apple’s mistakes are as enlightening as their successes: They reveal a company that is fallible, sometimes learning but often allowing the junk to rot far longer than other companies would.
Preserving Your Credibility Is Your Prime Directive
I hope this post isn’t too “out in left field” but I thought it needed to be said. Independent social media has evolved into a powerful mechanism to influence belief, behavior, and (yes) buying. I take my little dollop of influence very seriously, and feel an incredible responsibility to live up to the trust placed in me by others. I will try every day not to let you all down!