Here’s a surprise benefit from the iPhone 2.0 Exchange ActiveSync ability: I was able to finally move my iPhone’s “home” sync from the PC to the Mac!
I’m a long-time iPhone user and new Mac switcher, but since I use the phone for business (read Exchange) email, contacts, and calendars, I was stuck syncing it to the (work) PC instead of the (home) Mac. This really wasn’t optimal, as it meant I needed to load all of my songs and movies on the work machine, which is a serious no-no for my “keep ’em separated” computing preferences. But the iPhone has to be synced to a single machine, and since I needed to be able to keep my contacts and calendars up to date, I was stuck.
All this changed with 2.0’s over-the-air sync ability, though. Once you enable Exchange ActiveSync (or MobileMe, for that matter), you no longer have to tie the iPhone to Outlook. So now I am able to sync my work contacts, email, and calendar to Exchange and my songs, ringtones, apps, and movies to my Mac! Joy!
I first noticed this shortly after my 2.0 upgrade and ActiveSync activation. I docked the iPhone to the Mac to download some photos with iPhoto, and I noticed that iTunes would let me “sync” it there, even though it was “paired” to the PC. Although I had selected “manually manage music”, I couldn’t drag and drop songs or videos, but I noticed that the calendar, contacts, and mail sync settings were now grayed out. This got me thinking, so I decided to take the plunge and blow away all of my content in order to really sync the phone to the Mac. Sure enough, my mail, contacts, and calendars remain connected to Exchange, but everything else now lives on the Mac.
I wonder if Apple considered this implication when they released Exchange ActiveSync. After all, it would seem to tie the phone more strongly to Microsoft but actually has the exact opposite effect. I don’t need a Windows PC at all anymore!
I have a photo of the first MGA in north America. SER 10106 Also the first MGA to leave the factory. I was trying to load the photo onto Wika. and I found your name. (Stephen Foskett) I am not an IT and do not HTML very well at all. If you are interested I could email you the photo and load it on for knowledge and history sake. The owner is a freind of mine and I do have rights to the photo plus the permission to show it. This car is on ebay for sale at this time. The photo is not one that is on ebay , but a phto that I took.
I live overseas (Indonesia) and iPhone was launched about 10 days ago. I'm an early adaptor. At work we use MS Exchange with PCs, except for me — I'm using a Macbook Pro with Entourage, works absolutely fine. I also connected my iPhone to Exchange and get my emails with no problem (using push).
The problem is when I reply to an email from my iPhone the recipients receive it fine, the “Sent” folder on the iPhone shows it correctly, but on my laptop the “sent” folder contents are gibberish. The message contents seems like a memory dump.
I wonder wheter you have any experience with this?
I found the solution already on another blog! Thanks anyway.
Oh this topic… Nice to visit your site. Wish you post another good topic like this. I will wait to read it.