With all the Apple-related content popping up on this blog, I decided to add an Apple-only feed to the mix. Now, if you’d like to follow my adventures with the Mac, iPhone, and other Apple junk, and don’t care about all the enterprise storage and general home computing stuff, you can subscribe to just the Apple feed. Most folks are subscribed to my Everything feed, which includes all posts, and won’t need to change a thing.
So here’s a summary of my feeds:
All Posts – Everything I post in any category
Apple – Posts related to Apple, the Macintosh, the iPhone, iTunes, and the like
Computer History – Posts about the old computer junk I love so much
Enterprise Storage – Posts related to my profession
Personal – Posts of interest to family and friends
Terabyte Home – Posts relating to the proliferation of storage and computer technology in the home
Bonus points to anyone who can identify the item pictured!
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