It was a busy week, with Tech Field Day 5 posts coming fast and furious. Now we are on to planning Wireless Field Day, coming in mid-March!
The Register
My Stance on Embargoes
Embargoes help us all. I love that I can get inside information ahead of announcements, giving me time to consider the implications of new technology releases. I’m not scoop driven (though I’ve sometimes gotten the scoop) so I’m less interested in timeliness than I am in the depth of insight I can get from a briefing.
Smoking-Fast Laptops: Seagate Momentus XT Hybrid SSD Disk Drive Confirmed!
There has been much speculation that a new generation of hybrid flash/hard disk drives was right around the corner, and Provantage confirmed it today: The reseller posted a family of “Momentus XT” 2.5″ laptop drives for sale on their web site, shipping in 3-4 weeks. Many other sites began listing the drives as well, and The Register got the scoop, benchmarks, and official comment.
Back From the Pile: Interesting Content From the Week of May 2, 2009
There were some interesting events and blog posts last week. This new weekly feature highlights those! Enterprise IT Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Your Reliance On Backup Tapes – What’s wrong with backup tapes? They’re inaccessible, making them unsuitable for most applications. My latest post for my Enterprise Storage Strategies blog. Is Licensing Turning vSphere Into […]
3PAR Reserves A Seat At The Solid State Disk Drive Table
3PAR will use flash as “tier-0” storage in their InServe arrays and is in the “flash is a drive” camp