There are a lot of scams out there, but one that’s been plaguing bloggers like me lately is a novel twist: A fake DMCA takedown notice that’s actually a link insertion scam! Beware: The notices I’m getting are very convincing-looking, complete with a fake law firm website!
How To Force Apache To Redirect To Canonical Hostnames, or ServerAlias Is Not Your Friend
Today I came up against a frustrating realization: Apache doesn’t have a satisfying way to redirect multiple domains to canonical hostnames! In other words, it’s fairly easy to redirect one domain’s content from “” to just plain “” or to make both hostnames work, but there’s no one-stop solution to do this with a dozen domains. I’ve hit on a method that correctly redirects alternate hostnames and will save you aggravation in the long run.
Google Is Heading For A Cliff; What Will They Do?
Google is the most important company to the Internet. Hyberbole? I think not! Without Google, the Internet that we all know and love would be a very different place, as would the business of IT. Along with Microsoft and the supporting community around LAMP, Google is the very foundation of modern computing. But the foundation of Google itself, its ability to rank Internet content and present relevant information to its users, is at risk. What will they do to fix it?
Measuring the Importance of Google’s First Page
I’m not blogging to get traffic; I’m blogging because I have something to say. But, being a curious person, I do measure my blog traffic, and I’ve become interested in how the search engine optimization gurus ply their trade. So a recent tip on using a custom Google Analytics filter to determine “front page” placement on that search engine piqued my curiosity.