Once you encrypt your MacBook’s drive with FileVault 2, you’ll never even know it’s there. But if you ever lose your machine, you can rest easy knowing that your data is safe. Considering how well this solution performs and that it is included free of charge, there is no reason not to use it!
Begun, the Patent Wars Have
Every day, it seems there is a new lawsuit in the mobile phone industry. HTC, Motorola, Google, Microsoft, and especially Apple and Samsung are actively litigating their way through a thicket of patents. The same is increasingly happening in the rest of the IT industry. But is all this bloodshed really about innovation? Or is it, as one federal judge noted, simply a new form of intense business competition?
Solid State Storage Symposium – San Jose, CA
It seems like everything in storage is in flux right now, with virtualization, commoditization, convergence, and solid state disrupting everything. That’s why we at Gestalt IT have decided to host a Symposium on the topic of Solid State Storage: We’ll be bringing in experts from a number of top companies to talk tech, and are inviting anyone interested to attend in person or watch online!
Hands-On Review: Verizon 4G LTE (and the Novatel MiFi 4510l)
I would not hesitate to recommend Verizon’s 4G LTE network. It’s head-and-shoulders above Clear/Sprint WiMAX and will likely stay that way for a while thanks to their use of the 700MHz band. Verizon’s rapid network expansion and broad 3G network are reassuring enough to entice me into a 2-year contract. And the Novatel MiFi 4510l is a fairly solid device, though not perfect.
Pure Storage All-Flash Storage Array Revealed
It’s great to see fresh thinking in storage, and Pure Storage comes out of the gate with some impressive credentials: A top-tier team, excellent technical capabilities, and reasonable pricing. But it takes more than a great product to succeed in storage, and building awareness and sales are the next challenge for the company.