This week, I returned to the Europe, and I’m glad to be back! I spent the weekend in Belgium visiting friends, but now I’m back in London for my next Building Virtual Infrastructure seminar. If you’d like to learn more about next-generation servers, networks, and storage I urge you to attend this event, whether in London or my future dates!
Matt Simmons
Virtualization Field Day 2 – Silicon Valley
February 23 and 24 is Gestalt IT Virtualization Field Day 2. This is significant in many ways, but is especially poignant for me because I will not be there. For the first time, the “geekherd’s crook†at Tech Field Day will be wielded by someone other than me, though I remain as involved as ever behind the scenes.
Tech Field Day 8, Silicon Valley
We are finalizing our eighth Tech Field Day Event (and tenth event overall) which is coming up in the middle of September. Once again, we have a great batch of new and returning delegates. And once again, many of the presenters share intriguing characteristics. This time, it looks like we will have something of a storage focus!
Back From the Pile: Interesting Links, February 4, 2011
I spent last week tying up loose ends before Tech Field Day 5 in San Jose. It’s going to be a great event, with presentations by Symantec, Drobo, Xangati, NetEx, InfoBlox, HP, and a new company making their US launch! In the mean time, I am working hard to wrap up the Small Enterprise Storage Array Buyers’ Guide for DCIG and continuing my regular work – spreading the word about state of the art IT! I’ve been researching VMware extensively, and building a home lab server, in preparation for my Storage for Virtual Servers seminar, too.