Personal computer hard disk drive access methods have been repeatedly forced to adapt to ever-expanding capacity. But Western Digital is leading the change to larger 4 kilobyte hard disk blocks. Although this new “Advanced Format” includes mechanisms for backwards compatibility, buyers should be wary of these new drives for the time being.
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The Great Tech Field Day Drobo Sale!
The Drobo is a bit pricey, especially the newly-released Drobo S and Drobo Elite models. I offer a solution: Data Robotics was kind enough to arrange a special Tech Field Day Drobo sale, allowing each delegate who chooses to participate offer their own discount code!
How To Configure Drobo Dashboard Email for Gmail and Google Apps
One of the cool automatic things that the Drobo “storage robot” can do is send you an email when it wants your attention. Well, to be more accurate, The Drobo Dashboard software on a connected PC or Mac sends the email, but you get the point. But if you’re like me and use Google’s Gmail as your email system, you might be wondering just how to configure Drobo Dashboard. Here’s a quick guide to get it all working!
Quad-Core 27″ iMac: First Impressions
Last week I bought my third (modern) Mac, a new Core i5-powered 27″ iMac desktop. My new iMac has become a video editing workstation, running Apple’s Final Cut Studio software to process the video footage from Gestalt IT’s Tech Field Day. The massive display and speedy quad-core CPU and graphics continue to impress: This new iMac is a keeper!
Drobo Goes Sideways and Slantways With the Drobo S and Drobo Elite
Data Robotics has doubled the size of their product line, adding two new Drobo storage devices alongside the existing Drobo (version 2) and DroboPro, which I’ve previously written about.