This week I’m headed to Austin for two events: Tech Field Day 10, which I run, and a really special conference, TECHunplugged. I spoke at TECHunplugged London back in April and loved the experience. Now it’s coming to the USA for the first time, and the agenda is packed with great content. I highly recommend attending these events!
How Smart Is the Mondaine Helvetica Smart Watch?
I love watches and technology, so I was thrilled to hear about the creation of a “horological smart watch” base by the Swiss watchmaking industry. One of the first examples of this new breed is the just-released Mondaine Helvetica Smart. I purchased one of these watches, the limited-edition “1 of 1957” variety, and have had a chance to evaluate it both as a watch and a gadget.
How To Turn On Bluetooth In Mac OS X Using Only The Keyboard
If you’re using a Mac desktop with a bluetooth trackpad or mouse, you might have come across a chicken-and-egg issue: How do you enable Bluetooth when it’s turned off? Luckily, if you have keyboard access, there is a way to do it!
What Is A UASP Storage Enclosure?
UASP has a lot of promise, bringing SCSI performance and features to the ever-expanding world of USB storage devices. But support has been haphazard, especially for Mac OS X and Linux, and this limits its impact. It would be nice if storage vendors could work with operating system developers to better support this storage protocol.
Marketers: Fudging the Meaning of Buzzwords Matters (To You!)
Too many marketers and salespeople play fast and loose with words, but they’re only hurting themselves. Improper usage is embarrassing and causes a loss of credibility with the people they most want to reach. It would be wise to spend a lot more time being correct and a little less time jumping on bandwagons and buzzwords!