The ioFX was the highlight of NAB Show 2012 to me. Bringing massive performance to the masses, the ioFX continues Fusion-io’s tactic of shaking up the industry. And since it uses the same ioMemory architecture and drivers as the flagship ioDrive line, I expect Fusion-io will have difficulty keeping up with demand.
75% of Hamlet on the iPad Retina Screen
3.1 megapixels is a whole lot of display. If the new iPad screen packs in enough pixels to display 65 pages of Hamlet at once, imagine what else it can show! The next time someone says “what’s so great about that screen” all I have to do is read them a scene or two from my lock screen.
Is SolidFire out in Left Field, or Are They Playing a Whole New Ballgame?
When I say “cloud storageâ€, you probably think of Amazon S3: Big, slow, cheap, and distributed. That’s probably why the people I talk to about SolidFire usually start shaking their heads and denouncing the company. After all, who would be crazy enough to create an all flash storage array for cloud storage applications? But maybe it’s not so crazy; maybe SolidFire is simply playing a different ballgame.
Google Plus “Instant Upload” for iPhone Images: Two Warnings
My friend Brandon Carroll recently talked about Google Plus automatically uploading personal photos from the iPhone. His instructions are useful for those wishing to turn this feature off, I would like to add another caution: Although Google Plus’ “Instant Upload” feature is not the default, and it sets them private anyway, it’s easy accidentally to turn this feature on and end up in the same boat with Brandon. And the issue isn’t just privacy!