Although it is not a full-featured backup application, I heartily endorse Time Machine since its ease-of-use encourages average users to backup their data and enables them to recover lost files in a user-friendly environment. Time Machine local snapshots add another layer of protection for Apple users on the go. As long as they do not rely on local snapshots exclusively for data protection, I call that a win.
Surviving Armageddon on God’s Ten Acres and Deed Rock
This week’s rapture hysteria brought to mind one of my favorite pieces of Worcester, Massachusetts folklore: Deed Rock and God’s Ten Acres. It is a tale of extreme belief, and the lengths some people will go to see another day.
FCoE vs. iSCSI – Making the Choice
iSCSI is an excellent choice in situations where Fibre Channel investment is nonexistent or badly in need of wholesale upgrade. FCoE, on the other hand, is likely to take over in high-end enterprise shops. It is relentlessly promoted by major vendors, and it seems that they will force the upgrade eventually.
SlideShare Embed Injects ScoreCard “Market Research” Junk
It appears that SlideShare is injecting a tracking code from “ScoreCard Research”, a research firm, when their slideshow embed code is used. This would be bad enough on its own, but this embedded JavaScript seems to interfere with the WordPress editor and I saw no indication of an opt-in or privacy policy regarding this.
My “On the Road” Video Recording Kit
Good equipment can make the difference between an amateurish embarrassment and professional production when it comes to video recording. The combination of the Zi8 and my pair of microphones collect good enough source material to keep me in the latter category. Combined with the capabilities of Apple’s iMovie software, I can produce respectable videos anywhere I happen to find myself.