Storage arrays are big, expensive, and difficult to manage. Plus, concentrating storage in a single device puts everything at risk if there is an outage. So why buy a storage array at all? Arrays do a few things very well, and this often makes up for the difference, on balance.
Link: What’s the Difference Between Compression, Deduplication, and Single-Instance Storage?
The difference between traditional compression and modern data deduplication is somewhat hazy. And it doesn’t help that various implementations fall all along the spectrum from “mildly interesting” to “cutting edge!”
Yes! Ford Offers “X-Plan” Pricing for Shareholders!
I love cars, but I hate buying them. The car buying process can be a catfight or ripoff, and it’s never fun. That’s why I was pleased to hear that Ford offers “friends and family†(X plan) pricing to shareholders like me. But it’s been awfully difficult actually getting this benefit!
On the Death of Innovation, or “These Kids These Days!”
An obnoxious meme has returned to the fore lately, claiming that innovation is dead. The hippies did it, or maybe it was the Internet, or even a decline of America. But nothing could be further from the truth, and statements like this make me question the perspective of the speaker.
Building Virtual Infrastructure, Columbus OH
We’re taking my Building Virtual Infrastructure presentation to Columbus Ohio at the end of the month. Cool! I live in Ohio, and don’t get much opportunity to speak at events here. There’s also Backup Central Live! with W. Curtis Preston the next day, if you want to go to both!