This has got to be one of the most misleading error messages in Mac OS X: Open software update, try to update an app, and get the message,”you have updates available for other accounts”. This message does not mean what it says, but I found a way to fix it when it appeared on my iMac!
Is there no such thing as a cheap, prepaid data SIM in the USA?
It’s hard to believe that a true prepaid mobile data SIM doesn’t exist in the USA, but it’s true. A GoPhone, H2O, or Net10 SIM isn’t a bad idea for your smartphone, but it’s not exactly cheap. The best option for those needing just mobile data is a local Virgin Mobile hotspot or a brand new Android phone or iPad!
Switching from AT&T to Verizon for the iPhone 5
I am in exceedingly impressed with the iPhone 5 and the Verizon LTE network. Making the switch was smooth and simple, the Verizon could have done much better in the order status department. I look forward to seeing how this service holds up as more and more customers make the same decision I did.
Looking Back on the Storage Developer Conference
If I could only attend one conference next year, it would be the Storage Developer Conference. Any storage developer who geeks out about storage as much as me should definitely be there next year. And the rest should watch the web site (and this blog) as the presentations and videos are released!
Review: 2013 Ford Flex
The 2013 Ford Flex exceeded my expectations in every driving and utility-related area, but the terrible MyFord Touch system really detracts from the vehicle. I would highly recommend buying a Ford Flex if you’ve got a family of 5 or 6, but try to get one with old fashioned buttons and dials!