The Software-Defined Datacenter is a great concept, but it just won’t work. The big enterprise companies will never allow VMware (and daddy EMC) to commoditize them out of existence, so useful implementations will be rarer than ruby slippers. The best we can hope for is point enhancements to enable greater virtual machine mobility through SDN and improved storage integration.
Qumulo: An Enterprise Storage Startup Focused on Scale, Simplicity, and Efficiency
Enterprise storage is perhaps the most innovative area of IT these days, with exciting startups springing up right and left. Today, that scene welcomes Qumulo, who are building a new storage platform focused on scalability, efficiency, and simplicity. Qumulo catches my eye for two reasons: The team is heavy with Isilon experience, and CTO Aaron Passey really impressed me with his work at Clustrix.
Apple is Shipping Defective Lightning Cables
Considering their luxury reputation and attention to detail, it’s surprising that Apple is shipping defective Lightning cables. Alas, it’s true: I’ve received one, a few of my twitter followers have as well, and the Apple store was not that surprised when I came in for a replacement.
A High-Tech Water Heater? Yep! Introducing the A. O. Smith Vertex
I justify spending six times more on the Vertex 100 for a simple reason: It’ll keep up with the heavy water use in my house. I’m hoping I’ll never have to worry about hot water as long as I live here. The fact that it saves over $100 per year due to energy-efficient design is just icing on the cake.
United Boeing 787 Dreamliner: Butt-In-Seat Economy Plus Review!
Most of my readers know that I love getting my hands on the latest high-tech products. But, last week, I spent a few hours inside one of the latest and greatest products on earth: United’s latest Boeing 787 “Dreamliner” composite jet! Here’s my “butt-in-seat” review!