Are you interested in learning the basics of email archiving? If so, I’ll be presenting a webinar on January 8, 2009, intended to introduce the topic to newcomers to the field!
Register online at Contoural’s web site!
E-mail Archiving 101: A Non-Technical Person’s Overview of How E-mail Archiving Works and How to Pick the Right Tool
Thursday, January 8, 2009
10:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Faculty: Independent expert Stephen Foskett, Principal Consultant, Contoural, Inc.
E-mail archiving systems are becoming an important component of many organization document retention and litigation preparedness strategy. Nevertheless, to the non-technical person, understanding what these systems do and how they are different can be bewildering or even downright confusing. A good idea sometimes gets lost in technical translation. In this webinar, industry expert and independent Contoural Principal Consultant Stephen Foskett will walk through a high-level overview of how these systems work in simple terms aimed at the non-technical person.
Topics include:
- What do e-mail archiving products do and how do they support litigation readiness?
- High-level description of how different products work and are used
- What are some of the real differences between systems?
- How to evaluate which features are best for your organization
This webinar will also provide time for questions from the audience.
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