I love April Fools day. Like Halloween, it gives us all a chance to take ourselves a little less seriously and just have some fun. And the best April Fools pranks are those that point out real limitations in our thinking and mindset. That’s always been my April 1 goal: Why not combine Wi-Fi and PoE? And doesn’t the “giant iPod Touch” sound like a hoax?
I’ll be cataloging my favorite April Fools pranks from this year on this page. Check back as I update it!
- Wireless Fun
- Jennifer Huber takes on the proliferation of ugly wireless access points Making Wireless Sexy – HourglassAire
- Narrowcom To Unveil Wi-FiBASE-T (by yours truly!)
- Aerohive…Now with Rainbows – what a clever and well-made video!
- Airesham Redefines Wireless Convergence – a really silly wireless networking spoof by Lee H. Badman
- Enterprise Storage FTW!
- Networking What?
- VMware’s vSphere 5 vStorage API for Token Ring Integration:
- Enterprise IT Funnies
- From Debian, the Canterbury Project
- From VMware comes Cloud City
- In the Workplace
- Around the Internets
- Nokia Microsoft deal falls through as Nokia merges with Google
- Robert Novak outdid himself with GoDaddy announces new PKoIP protocol, innovates tying panties in knots over the Internet
- CloudEra MapIncrease
- Livedrive announces industry leading, game changing technology for online backup and data storage
- Google brings us Gmail Motion, the Voice-alyzer, and is hiring 32,000 WPM typists as autocompleters
- Google Inadvertently Classifies Google Places As A “Content Farm” And Removes From Search Index
- More Fun
- PLAYMOBIL(TM) Apple Store Playset
- Okay, We Give Up (from Scientific American)
- Officially Official: 420-HP BMW M3 Pickup hauls ass, nearly 1,000 pounds
- Introducing the NWC Royale Membership
- iPad colocation from MacMiniColo
- Kodak Relationshiffft
- B&H Double Takes
- The best new iPhone/Android app: GreyScale
- Introducing Starbucks Mobile Pour
- Deals For Hipsters
- A 3D monocle from Toshiba
I love april fool’s day jokes and pranks. Have you checked out the online risk game Conquer Club ( http://www.conquerclub.com ) They translated the whole website into swedish chef language—so much confusion! ‘Noo Munigemeet’ is leading! Bork bork bork!