I’m finally getting settled back in after my physical storage and migration effort these last few weeks! I’m now located in the heartland of Wooster, Ohio rather than the headland of Massachusetts! ๐
If it’s true that “stuff”, like gas, expands to fill all available space then at least I now have more space for my stuff. I’ve been burning up the Lowe’s parking lot trying to fill it though…
ObStorage: This reminds me of a trick a NetApp administrator friend used to pull on his users. He would adjust the size of the snap reserve to make his filers always look almost full. He swore that this kind of “backpressure” was the best way to control injudicious use of storage space by end users. Whenever he added a new disk shelf, he would immediately allocate the whole thing to snap reserve, and would then only open up 100 MB or so at a time! This smoothed out his provisioning, no doubt. Kind of anti-thin provisioning!
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