EMC floated 10% of VMware today as an IPO (NYSE:VMW) and wow, is it taking off. Starting at $29, it’s at $51 after a couple of hours of trading, making EMC’s $635 million investment in 2003 worth $19 billion today. If this price is maintained (which I doubt it will be), VMware would be half […]
Big Little VMware Update (VCB and iSCSI!)
VMware released version 1.0.3 of VMware Consolidated Backup (VCB) today. While a minor software rev wouldn’t normally warrant a blog post, this is anything but minor. VCB was a good idea, but implementation experience found it lacking. For one thing, it didn’t support iSCSI, which is a major omission in the world of Windows and […]
SRM For VMware (Thank God!)
So Symantec’s CommandCentral version 5.0 includes VMware-integrated SRM. Thank god! Has anyone out there been banging their head against the wall trying to figure out what’s taking up all their unstructured filesystem space? Well trying to get that information in a world of VMware virtual servers is like drilling through your forehead with an auger. […]
Storage Management Integrated with Server Virtualization (Where’s EMC?)
XenSource just announced that they’ll embed Symantec-née-Veritas‘ server-side storage virtualization software into their server virtualization offering. This is great news, since server virtualization has boiling for more than a year now with precious little storage integration to be seen. Although XenSource is a distant second in the world of server virtualization, they’re close enough to […]