I recently mentioned how impressed I was with the speed of my MacBook, even when running Windows in Boot Camp. Of course, this was a subjective feeling, so I decided to try timing some events to see if the clock agreed with my brain. Sure enough, the Mac is faster than my Dell XPS M1330 […]
Quick and Easy Bluetooth Sharing Between PC and Mac
As I transition to the Mac, I often find myself needing to transfer a file back and forth quickly. I could create SMB shares on both systems, but this requires both to be connected to a wired or wireless Ethernet LAN. Luckily, both Vista and OS X offer functional Bluetooth sharing technology for quick, easy […]
Tuning Time Machine
I’ve been very pleased by Apple’s integrated backup application in OS X, Time Machine. It cleverly removes many of the barriers to backup, and makes restore both simple and fun. But I’ve noticed that it’s not quite perfect out of the box. Two default settings in particular bother me: It is set to back up everything, including OS files and caches, and spotlight needlessly indexes your Time Machine drive. Luckily, both are easy fixes.
Mac + TiVo? Roxio Toast 9 Titanium is $30 AR Today!
Have a Mac and a TiVo? I was thinking of grabbing Roxio’s Toast 9 Titanium so I could use the TiVo To Go features anyway, and Amazon surprised me by putting it as a Gold Box item today. It’s $49 with a $20 rebate, with free shipping! Expired! Sweet deal!
Upgraded! 320 GB in a MacBook Pro!
I know I’m not the first to do this, but it does make me chuckle to have upgraded a brand new machine less than a week after buying it. That’s right, my brand new MacBook Pro now has 4 GB of RAM and a massive 320 GB of disk space. If you’re thinking of upgrading your […]