Open up VMware vSphere with a high-end license and you’ve got the best product on the market, and the VMware ecosystem is where all the coolest stuff happens. But less-demanding customers are increasingly turning to alternative offerings from Microsoft, Citrix, and others.
Storage Changes in VMware vSphere 5.1
As I have done since version 3.5, I’m charting the storage changes in VMware’s latest release of vSphere, 5.1. Unlike version 5, which included many new technical storage features, 5.1 mainly tweaks existing features and adds these new elements to the mix.
Scale Computing HC3 – Converged Infrastructure For Everybody!
I’ve met many small companies that just can’t justify the financial investment required to deploy a killer VMware vSphere solution, and they will welcome a new alternative like Scale Computing’s HC3 solution without being too put off by the absence of VMware.
Storage Changes in VMware vSphere 5
Once again, VMware added a ton of new storage enhancements to vSphere. With storage rapidly becoming the limiting factor in scalability and performance of virtual machine environments, this is no surprise. Also not surprising is the fact that major features like Policy-Driven Storage and Storage DRS (along with SIOC) are exclusive to “Enterprise Plus” licenses.
Back From the Pile: Interesting Content From the Week of May 9, 2009
It was an interesting week, with a cloud computing summit in Washington DC, the release of Windows Storage Server 2008, and discussions of best practices and non-compete agreements. Apple MacBook Users: Turn off This Bluetooth Default Setting Now – Now I know what turned on my MacBook Pro in the bag: My BlueTooth mouse! Enterprise […]