Release after release, Microsoft pushes Windows forward. Yet the operating system is continually undermined by the “value-focused” low-end machines pushed by the majority of OEMs. This race to the bottom has tarnished Windows for a decade and now threatens to derail Windows 8. Microsoft must do something to stop the crap before it’s too late!
What To Look For In A Laptop (Holiday 2010 Edition)
Lots of folks are shopping for new laptop computers right now (me included), so I thought I would put down a few words on what I consider to be the key elements separating a great buy from a mistake. This is only my own opinion, of course, and my Apple- and storage-geek status might taint the results. But what can you do? It’s my blog after all!
Dear Dell: Why Is It So Hard To Buy From You?
This love letter goes out to Dell. I hope they’re listening, because I want them to succeed and thrive and sell millions of computers. But they’re sure making it hard for me to buy just one. Here’s my story.