I’m off to Orlando this morning for Storage Networking World (SNW) Spring 2009. It will be great to see all of my friends in the industry again, though EMC will be quiet in the run-up to EMC World and the DMX-5 “Tigon” launch mysterious April 14th announcement! I will be wearing two hats at the […]
Gestalt IT
10 GbE, iSCSI, FCoE, Microsoft, and the Future
Last year, we were all wondering when the 10 GbE wave would hit and what impact it would have. That’s not worth pondering anymore. It’s not just the year of 10 GbE; 10-gig is the future of connectivity, and the future is here.
Introducing Gestalt IT, a New Web Magazine For Enterprise IT Infrastructure Commentary
Times are changing in the tech media world, so a core group of independent enterprise IT bloggers have come together to combine our writing into a mega blog or web magazine focused on enterprise IT infrastructure topics like virtualization, networking, and storage: Gestalt IT. The idea is that the best content from the best enterprise IT folks is brought together in one place.