From iCloud Photos to Google Drive to NetApp and Primary Data, we’re putting storage wherever it needs to be. And this is a major shift for computing, from the iPhone to the datacenter. Watch this space!
cloud storage
Waves of Storage Innovation
Waves of innovation and waves of companies, crash on the storage market, but the same incumbent leaders and product lines survive for decades. Are things changing? It’s hard to see sometimes, but real progress has been made.
Cloud Services Don’t Buy Boxes, But Service Providers Might
IT is changing, with cloud service providers and DevOps opening new avenues just as traditional datacenters are declining. But I’m always puzzled when a company tells me they’re selling their boxes into the cloud. If there’s a mega-trend for cloud services, it’s using commodity hardware, not proprietary appliances. These guys had better get their heads on straight!
Scaling Storage At The Client
Scaling storage is a serious challenge for the industry, but there is a great deal of thought, effort, and creativity going into it right now. Companies like Gridstore, Oxygen Cloud, and Cleversafe have come up with effective client-side solutions to enable scale-out storage to sing. If you’ve got an appropriate application, client, or gateway, scale-out is a real possibility!
“Brownfield” Is A Terrible Antonym for “Greenfield”
The computer industry loves buzzwords. “Greenfield” is a popular way to describe all-new infrastructure built with no regard for legacy compatibility. But what’s the opposite? Lately, I’ve been hearing companies use the term, “brownfield” to describe a solution that is compatible with existing hardware or software. But a quick look at the dictionary reveals what an absolutely terrible term that is!