By cutting off developers, Twitter has effectively cut off their own future relevance. The web is moving aside in favor of mobile apps, and Twitter must eventually adapt to this world or watch as another service eats their lunch.
How To Add a New CoreStorage Volume
After resizing the existing volume, I decided to create a new drive to store Final Cut Pro data. The CoreStorage createVolume command made short work of this task!
Non-Destructively Resize an Existing Drive with CoreStorage
My next step was to resize my existing drive to make room for a new logical volume. CoreStorage can resize a drive non-destructively, moving existing data aside and clearing capacity for other uses.
Non-Destructively Convert an Existing Drive to CoreStorage
The first step to storage bliss is conversion: Mac OS X can non-destructively convert an existing drive to CoreStorage! From there you’re free to resize it, create new volumes, and pretty much anything else you’re interested in doing to your drives!
Fun Mac OS X Storage Tricks with CoreStorage
Mac OS X 10.7 “Lion” added a volume manager called CoreStorage, a development I was gleeful to report last year. But what can you do with CoreStorage? Here are some examples.