Most people know of Speedtest, the online performance testing website, but most nerds reach for iPerf instead. It’s a self-hosted, full-featured, open-source network performance testing application that runs on almost everything. Today I realized that there’s a free iOS port of the iPerf3 client! It’s super useful!
Liberate Wi-Fi Smart Bulbs and Switches with Tasmota!
I’m a fan of home automation but not of proprietary platforms. It seems like every few months we hear about another automation platform shutting down just as a new one pops up. My rule for IoT and Home Automation is that it must be a well-supported platform with good open source support or I’m not interested. So the first thing I did when cracking open a package of smart lightbulbs from Costco was to “liberate” them to run Tasmota!
What You See and What You Get When You Follow Me
Social media ought to be social, not just a broadcast platform. That’s my feeling at least. It’s been a while since I’ve ranted about “write-only” social media accounts, so I thought I might as well do it again. And at the same time, I thought I would update you on my promise to the people who read, follow, and interact with me online.
GPS Time Rollover Failures Keep Happening (But They’re Almost Done)
This is week “1111111111” in the GPS system. Tomorrow morning it will roll over to week “0000000000”. How well will various systems handle this change? Not well, judging by what we’ve seen so far!
Ranting and Raving About the 2018 iPad Pro
I remain enthusiastic about the iPad Pro, despite getting a scratched screen and my concerns about durability. It’s a worthy successor to the original and offers enough improvements that I’d recommend the upgrade for just about anyone who uses their iPad for serious work. It’s still not yet a laptop replacement, but this is due more to a lack of desktop-class software for iOS than anything in Apple’s control.