This regular series features highlights from the week.
Dragon Dictate for Mac: Utterly Frustrating
For the last few months, I’ve been experimenting with dictation software on the Mac. Previously, I had used the built-in dictation software in Windows Vista and Windows 7, but it was annoying to launch a virtual machine every time I wanted to dictate something. On the Mac and purchase an (expensive) copy of Dragon Dictate for Mac. So far, my experience has been less than positive.
You Really Can Have a Complete Backup System Up and Running in 10 Minutes!
I recently worked with Druva to produce a series of videos documenting the installation and configuration of InSync. As part of this process, I went through the entire roll out myself using virtual machines and real data. The result was eye-opening: InSync really does install in under 10 minutes!
Boxcar Growl Plugin Not Working?
The Boxcar plugin is a “display” not an “application”, so it shows up under the “Display Options” tab, not the “Applications” tab in Growl on Mac OS X. The plugin installation automatically opens the wrong tab!
What Exactly Is Symantec V-Ray?
Data is getting bigger, virtualization is expanding, and data protection applications are ill-prepared to deal with it. This much we can all agree on. But Symantec’s introduction of “V-Ray,” which the company describes as “X-Ray vision into … virtual environments” has just left me puzzled. Is this “marketecture” or some sort of technology or product?