Native Format Optimization (NFO) makes a lot of sense, since it addresses a common user error in a practical way, and allows capacity savings to “trickle-down†to backups, e-mail systems, and archives. But wholesale compression and the duplication of primary storage may not be worth much, especially since the cost of disk keeps dropping dramatically.
Alas, VMware, Whither HDS?
If VMware aims to transform storage presentation, and is working with major storage vendors to make it happen, HDS ought to be part of it. Their history, technology, and market position earn them a spot in the “VAAI Cabal” and their omission was a bombshell to industry-watchers like me.
Tech Field Day 8 Presenter Lineup
Last week, I let the cat out of the bag regarding the next Tech Field Day event, which kicks off in just three days! Today, let’s take a look at the great lineup of companies that will be presenting at this event. Many are new startups, including Nutanix, Pure Storage, and SolidFire, while others are more established, like Nasuni, Symantec, DataDirect Networks, Arista and Arkeia.
Magma Brings 3-Card PCIe Expansion To Mac Thunderbolt Users
It seems that hardware vendors are finally answering the call of Mac users seeking to use Thunderbolt as a generic interface for expansion cards. Last week, Magma, best known for its line of PCI express expansion chassis, announced a three board Thunderbolt version, the ExpressBox 3T. Although the company has not yet released timing and pricing, they are signing up prospective customers on their website.
Seagate Jumps Hitachi’s Density Record With 4 TB Hard Disk Announcement
Earlier this week, Hitachi GST (soon to be part of Western Digital) announced they would soon ship a 1 TB single-platter hard disk drive. But archrival Seagate rained on their parade financing immediate shipment of their own 4 TB unit. With the industry consolidating rapidly, it’s good to see healthy competition among the two remaining hard disk drive giants.