It isn’t easy automatically and correctly to grab statistics from many sites, but both YouTube and Vimeo expose this data. The challenge is in correctly parsing and formatting this data for use. Here’s how I do it, and I hope that this helps you with your video statistics collection!
Fusion-io Hits the Mass Market with the Affordable ioFX Card
The ioFX was the highlight of NAB Show 2012 to me. Bringing massive performance to the masses, the ioFX continues Fusion-io’s tactic of shaking up the industry. And since it uses the same ioMemory architecture and drivers as the flagship ioDrive line, I expect Fusion-io will have difficulty keeping up with demand.
Storage Field Day 1 – Silicon Valley
Storage Field Day has an amazing lineup of presenters, with a special focus on disruptive market entrants. We will start off on Thursday with Kaminario, Nimbus Data, Drobo, Coraid and Quest Software. Friday we visit Dell, Brocade, Tintri, and Pure Storage!
Solid State Storage Symposium – San Jose, CA
It seems like everything in storage is in flux right now, with virtualization, commoditization, convergence, and solid state disrupting everything. That’s why we at Gestalt IT have decided to host a Symposium on the topic of Solid State Storage: We’ll be bringing in experts from a number of top companies to talk tech, and are inviting anyone interested to attend in person or watch online!
NAB Show – Las Vegas
I’ll be at NAB Show this year, on Monday and Tuesday, April 16 and 17. That’s literally all I could spare out of my schedule, but I wouldn’t miss it!