This year for my Truth in IT seminars, I’m shifting away from virtualization to focus on enterprise storage once again. But this won’t be any ordinary “storage 101†seminar. Rather than trying to talk about every element, I’m focused on what’s new!
Making a Case For (and Against) Software-Defined Storage
Everyone is talking about “software-defined†everything lately, so it was only a matter of time before industry buzz turned to software-defined storage. VMware and EMC really stoked the flames with a constant barrage of marketing directed in this direction. But how exactly do you software-define storage? And what does this mean?
Infographic: Datacenter History In Lego
You might remember my October post, Datacenter History: Through the Ages in Lego. Now it’s available as a handy infographic, thanks to my friend Aditya Vempaty of Coho Data. It’s pretty cool how this turned out – I think he’s got a real talent for this kind of thing!
Debit or Credit? Always Choose Credit!
“Credit of debit?” It’s all very confusing for American shoppers. But the news about a massive point-of-sale data theft at Target makes one thing very, very clear: Always choose “credit” when the cashier asks!
Mac OS X Bug: ExFAT Hangs Spotlight and Time Machine
I’ve had terrible issues with Mac OS X never completing Spotlight indexing and Time Machine backups. I was pulling out my hair until I decided to check the console log. That’s when I saw this: Thousands of mdworker errors, with a dozen appearing every second. What could it mean?