People call on storage devices and systems to do lots of things, from accelerating I/O to copying and sharing data. But at the heart of it all, storage arrays really have just one job: Do not lose data!
EMC XtremIO Upgrade is Non-Disruptive to Customers
EMC’s XtremIO is crapping on the badge; it’s an immature ball of destruction that shows how much architecture matters. Or so my favorite storage bloggers say. But customers and resellers seem to have a different take on the destructive XtremIO 3.0 update: They don’t care. Not at all.
A Fairy Tale of Two Storage Protocols
It’s clear how this fairy tale ends. So many companies are using “S3 plus” as their standard interface, and even inside their solutions, that it’s safe to say it’s won the cloud storage API battle. But S3 isn’t a finalized spec – the industry will extend and improve it over the coming years. Soon we’ll have a cloud storage standard based on S3, just like we have a LAN file services standard based on CIFS.
The Rack Endgame: Converged Infrastructure and Disaggregation
As I’ve written about what I’m calling the “Rack Endgameâ€, the specter of converged infrastructure hasn’t been far from my thoughts. As others have pointed out, disaggregation of servers, networks, and storage doesn’t require a rack-sized stack; it can exist in a rack-mountable chassis and is already on sale!
Selling Fashion: My Thoughts on the Apple Watch, Part 4
The Apple Watch we saw this week is not a transformative product. It’s simply a very well-executed smart watch, and like every other option in this category seems lost as to what it’s supposed to be used for. And the physical design is a serious miss for Jony Ive and company, a tasteless rectangular blob. So how can Apple sell these things?