With the current turmoil at Twitter, many people are turning to the federated social media network built around Mastodon as their new social outlet. Once I started posting there, a few old friends asked me to share my #SymLink, #PackRat, and #GoodRead links on Mastodon, since they enjoyed reading the contents. Since my posting process is entirely automated using Zapier, I automated posting to Mastodon using it as well. Here’s an easy way to add automatic posting to Mastodon using Zapier!
How To Install ZeroTier on TrueNAS 12
ZeroTier is an incredibly useful tool to enable true access from anywhere to any networked resource. Although TrueNAS has removed ZeroTier support, the FreeBSD package is easy to install and seems to work fine! The only issue is that it doesn’t persist across reboots without some major risky work.
Scam Alert: Fake DMCA Takedown for Link Insertion
There are a lot of scams out there, but one that’s been plaguing bloggers like me lately is a novel twist: A fake DMCA takedown notice that’s actually a link insertion scam! Beware: The notices I’m getting are very convincing-looking, complete with a fake law firm website!
How To Connect Everything From Everywhere with ZeroTier
If you’re like me, you have a lot of different systems running in different places: at work, at home, in the lab, and in the cloud. And if you’re like me you’ve often struggled to connect and access these machines, especially when you’re on the road. At long last, I have a fully functional solution that lets me access everything from everywhere, securely and efficiently, whether on the open internet or behind NAT after NAT. The solution is ZeroTier!
Electric Car Over the Internet: My Experience Buying From Vroom
I recently bought a used car through Internet dealer Vroom and thought I would document my experience. This is not the first time I’ve bought a used car, not my first Internet auto transaction, and not the first BMW i3 I’ve bought, so perhaps this gives me a little perspective.