Kevin Rose announced the availability of an interesting new service at the March, 2009 South by Southwest festival: WeFollow is a passive, user-generated twitter directory.
The genius of WeFollow is that there’s not account to create and no complicated setup. You simply send a tweet to @wefollow with up to three hashtags and your account is added to the list for each. For example, I sent “@wefollow #storage #apple #virtualization” last night, and my account was added to these lists. If I send a different tweet, presumably, my account would be re-categorized in the directory.
There are lots of twitter directories, but this is by far the simplest to use. It’s also viral: I saw my Twitter friends tweeting to @wefollow, so I decided to do the same thing myself. Brilliant!
I’d love to know how often one can re-categorize ones Twitter account. I’d also want to know how WeFollow decides which tags to use, since it apparently ignored some of my later re-categorization tweets. I also agree with @stu that three might be too small a number, and it would be useful to search on more than one tag.
One more issue is standardization: Already @MattPovey has suggested using “#itstorage” instead of “#storage” for us enterprise storage folks. It looks like the server virtualization folks have settled on “#virtualization“. But what about Cisco-style networking, as opposed to social media folks? I suggest adopting “#internetworking“. These things will probably work themselves out fairly rapidly. And we’ll be left with a useful Twitter directory. Nice!
Check out for who to follow on twitter in many different categories. Similar to wefollow but a mix of UGC and editorial controlled (as opposed to wefollow which lets users self classify).
Check out for who to follow on twitter in many different categories. Similar to wefollow but a mix of UGC and editorial controlled (as opposed to wefollow which lets users self classify).