So Symantec’s CommandCentral version 5.0 includes VMware-integrated SRM. Thank god! Has anyone out there been banging their head against the wall trying to figure out what’s taking up all their unstructured filesystem space? Well trying to get that information in a world of VMware virtual servers is like drilling through your forehead with an auger. Well, maybe not that painful, but just about…
I guess the razor wire only went one way, eh Storagezilla? Now if only every other storage management product was VM-savvy…
Update: Looks like EMC announced VMware compatability in ControlCenter 6.0 back in May. I’d love to learn more about just how well these two products work in the real world. Anyone using them?
Hi Stepehen
I’d look more closely at this announcement to see what’s really there before getting too excited.
I have no hard evidence, but consider the following:
– VMware support is very hot in the market right now.
– the SRM market share leader (EMC) announced full-featured support for VMware in ControlCenter 6.0, so they have to respond in some fashion.
– doing end-to-end SRM in VMware turned out to be really, really hard: discovery, visualization, new forms of reporting at multiple levels, provisioning, et. al.
I don’t want to take anything away from the Symantec guys, but I want to make sure that they’re not getting away with a bit of marketing puffery here.
Hi Stepehen
I’d look more closely at this announcement to see what’s really there before getting too excited.
I have no hard evidence, but consider the following:
– VMware support is very hot in the market right now.
– the SRM market share leader (EMC) announced full-featured support for VMware in ControlCenter 6.0, so they have to respond in some fashion.
– doing end-to-end SRM in VMware turned out to be really, really hard: discovery, visualization, new forms of reporting at multiple levels, provisioning, et. al.
I don’t want to take anything away from the Symantec guys, but I want to make sure that they’re not getting away with a bit of marketing puffery here.